Saturday, August 22, 2009

A quick note....

I DO have something ready for y'all, it's just not TOTALLY ready.... and I apologize for that. We literally JUST got my cousin moved into the house, and we've been running around all week to get stuff moved, and painted, and moved back, and vaccumed... It's been a mad house down here! But anyway, Warped is tomorrow. Don't expect a blog post 'cause I'll be there as long as I can. I WILL update twice next week to make up for it though! Promise! Expect one post on Monday or Tuesday, with another one following on Friday... maybe Thursday if I'm lucky. I apologize for that, and I really should have planned this better, but I am working on it! I'm not gonna just bail, don't worry!

On a side note, school starts up soon. That shouldn't be a huge issue, but I may only post once every other week instead of the once a week I was aiming for. If all goes well I'll have some new stuff up every week. Not just the interviews, but more... "rants" as well. That's really all that's been going on, so yeah!

Peace out! And have a good last few days of summer!


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