Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Death of Art 1

Apparently people think art is one of two things. It's either what ever is popular at the moment, or a nice little picture of a person, with nice colors, and pretty shapes and the person in the middle of the picture smiling pretty smiles.... News flash, it's not! Yeah, it's nice, yeah it's fine, but it's not TRUE, honest to goodness ART! I mean, art needs to have emotion, and sometimes it seems as though it's lacking in that area. I see SO many people say they like something because it's popular now, only to throw it away when the next big thing comes up. That's not art, that's society. Art isn't about a pretty person sitting in the middle of a pretty frame smiling his or her pretty smiles. That's called Pop Culture, and could just as easily be throw out and no one would know. Art is the struggle that people face when they think no one is watching; Art is the laughter that two best friend are sharing as they leave a store; true Art is the emotion behind the picture, the memories that are captured, the pure feeling that the artist was able to draw upon. It is, or should be, raw, uninhibited, pure. It's become so tainted. Art used to be a portal into the soul of a person, showing you who that person was; it's now a portal into the depths of society, where one finds themselves trapped and unable to escape. They fall into a routine of people telling them how to dress, what to say, what to like, who they should be friends with. It's all so sad, and it is all gone. There is no emotion in a "working society" anymore. There is no emotion in art.

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