Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Death of Art - A side note

Just something I found interesting... Each note, except number 2 which has no responses, draws a different demographic. It seems as if the time makes a difference, but people respond differently to each note. People who follow books more than they do music or painting/photography seem to latch onto note 3, while others went and commented on note 1, making it refer to both Deviant Art and Itunes! I wrote it with neither in mind, but just thinking about how we buy one song, and soon forget about it. And how they all sound similar and such. Interesting thought XD

This is why I love Psychology/Sociology! It's so interesting! Continue.

The Death of Art 4

"Where words fail, music speaks." Hans Christian Andersen

More musical stuff!!!

Ok, so I got the new Rise Against album! And I really like it! But one things bothers me... A lot. People keep putting up reviews on ITunes (yes more itunes stuff XD) that were all, "I loved this album... Until Hero of War! How could the *continues ranting*"

Now, I don't mind the song, it's one of my favorites... but message wise, it is about corrupt soldiers, which is what gets people mad. It's about someone who joins the army (or some other branch, take your pick) And he makes friends, but doesn't quite know what he is getting himself into. He ends up going somewhere (they don't tell us) and capturing a guy they are supposed to get, tearing him away from his family and friends, and beating him up (Mind you, this is the PG version...) The guy, orig, not the kidnapped dude, then goes on to say how there was a lady who was coming at him, and he told her to stop "I begged her to stay," But she keeps coming, so he shoots her. The chorus after that is "A hero of war, is that what they see? Just medals and scars, so damn proud of me. I buried my flag, now it gathers dust, but it's a flag that I love, it's the only thing I trust."

Now, I don't mind it. People may hate me for that, especially veterans. But before people judge, they need to realize, they have a reason for writing these songs. I always imagine some WWI era soldier, or someone from an ancient war. War had different rules back then, and who knows what could have happened. Sometimes I even think as recently as WWII (which was pretty darn recent.) People say they are against soldiers and that people who think that song is amazing and has a great message need to get a life and all kinds of other things... The problem is, yeah the song is anti war, but the last verse is there for a reason! Personally, I think the guy was "tricked" into it, didn't know what he was getting into, and regrets his actions now. That's just me... But people will say I'm anti-soldiers because of it! (I'm not, btw... My Papou [grandfather] was int he army, my dad was a marine, my brother a navy man, my sister was in the air force, and my cousin is gonna join the army). People need to learn that music is supposed to convey a message, a mental image, something beyond the superficial words that are sung. But that is slowly fading away now that pop culture consists of messages spoon fed to us through music. Rap, in my opinion, certainly doesn't help!

So yeah... Another random rant about art. Comment if you want, I love hearing other peoples opinions!!!

My side not for the night: I LOVE the new album, and I really don't hear that much of a change in Rise Against's style... I really like it, and will be more than happy to lend it to who ever wants to listen! Or I'll burn you a copy.

The Death of Art 3

"You don't need to burn books to destroy a culture; you just need to get people to stop reading ."

I remembered what it was about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!

So, I've noticed a sad, but very true, trend appearing. People find a book that is "amazing." They read the book, no matter how HORRIDLY written it may be. They give it to other people. Others read it, and the cycle continues. It's happened so many times! Eragon, Harry Potter, and the newest trend, Twilight (personally, I liked Eragon, Loved book 5 of harry potter, the rest were ok, and hate Twilight with a passion.) Now, normally I would ignore it and move on, read a classic. But with Twilight, it's been bugging me. Quite honestly, I can't stand the way she writes. And, fellow LDS peeps, I don't care how many times people say, "Well, she's LDS too!" Doesn't mean I think she is a better author.She screwed mythology over big time; that's why I hate the books. She added anything she wanted, and took away whatever didn't work. The point of mythological creatures is that they have a history, they have the traits. Each creature is unique and has strengths and weaknesses. Stephanie Myer took away ALL of the weaknesses of a vampire... Save maybe Alice, because Alice screws up once or twice. And to those who say I judge unfairly, I've read the first three books, and gave up on the series before Breaking Dawn. So I have read the books, and I just don't like them. It's my opinion, and I'm not gonna force it on anyone. But really, her writing is like a 5th grader... I had friends writing more interesting and structured analytical essays then her.

On the plus side, I will admit, she has gotten a LOT of my friends to actually pick up a book and read! Which is a feat in and of itself. I just wish they would read something that was actually worth while. Not kidding, for some of my friends, it's the only book they have read. Oh well, better luck next time.

Reading list: My favorites are The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, and anything by Kate Mosse (ask me for my two favs if you wanna borrow. My aunt has one, but I will have it back after Thanksgiving) Also, Pride and Prejudice is great for romance people. Meg Cabot has a great modern "King Arthur" myth book out! Great stuff, In my opinion.

The Death of Art 2

"What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only eyes, if he is a painter, or ears, if he is a musician, or a lyre in every chamber of his heart if he is a poet, or even, if he is a boxer, just his muscles? Far from it; at the same time, he is also a political being, constantly aware of the heartbreaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. How could it be possible to feel no interest in other people, and with a cool indifference to detach yourself from the very life which they bring to you so abundantly? No, painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war." - Pablo Picasso

Two things. One, I adore this quote. Picasso is one of my favorite artists of all time. Two, I've noticed something odd about "artistic nudity." Not that it's a bad things. IT's very subjective, and that's not what I wanna debate/rant about. No, you see, my rant is on how people seem to think that is because people do have actual work out that is just that, that being "artistic nudity", that they can put up any ol' picture of someone that is nude. Now, personally don't like nudity period. But some do, and that's fine. But really, if there is gonna be something with nudity in it, make the picture worthwhile to look at. Don't just take a picture of someone nude just for fun... Really. I'm not going into detail, mainly because I don't like it to begin with. That's just my opinion though.

Also, I'm trying to tag who ever responded last time... but I can't figure it out right now : ( Being stupid right now... (Me not the computer!)

I had something else I was gonna put in here... but I forgot. So for now, good night, and sweet dreams... And HAPPY ALL HALLOW'S EVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Debussy, listening right now, great pianist. Very nice music if you wanna take a look. Expect part 3 to have some classical music mentioned, because I'll probably rant about that next XD

The Death of Art 1

Apparently people think art is one of two things. It's either what ever is popular at the moment, or a nice little picture of a person, with nice colors, and pretty shapes and the person in the middle of the picture smiling pretty smiles.... News flash, it's not! Yeah, it's nice, yeah it's fine, but it's not TRUE, honest to goodness ART! I mean, art needs to have emotion, and sometimes it seems as though it's lacking in that area. I see SO many people say they like something because it's popular now, only to throw it away when the next big thing comes up. That's not art, that's society. Art isn't about a pretty person sitting in the middle of a pretty frame smiling his or her pretty smiles. That's called Pop Culture, and could just as easily be throw out and no one would know. Art is the struggle that people face when they think no one is watching; Art is the laughter that two best friend are sharing as they leave a store; true Art is the emotion behind the picture, the memories that are captured, the pure feeling that the artist was able to draw upon. It is, or should be, raw, uninhibited, pure. It's become so tainted. Art used to be a portal into the soul of a person, showing you who that person was; it's now a portal into the depths of society, where one finds themselves trapped and unable to escape. They fall into a routine of people telling them how to dress, what to say, what to like, who they should be friends with. It's all so sad, and it is all gone. There is no emotion in a "working society" anymore. There is no emotion in art.