Monday, June 21, 2010

It's back!

Yes, the project I started last year is up and running. It's slow goings, mainly because I lost most of my files, but I found a couple. Over the next couple weeks I'll try to post the one or two I found and a new one! We shall start with the newest.

An introduction! Anyone who knows me will know that I go through what I call "music phases" and that few artists make it through more then 1 or 2. One of those artists is Amy Kuney, a singer/songwriter who has some amazing music! She moved from Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweeping down the plain) to Honduras at age 13. She's currently living in Southern California, if I'm not mistaken. Although I have yet to actually see her play live, I have had the fortune of stumbling across her on Youtube, where I first found the song Angel Tangled in the Telephone Line. Since then she's uploaded more songs from her first album in addition to parody videos and covers. I was lucky enough to reach her through her Youtube first, then through email, and she agreed to answer my questions. At the end, I'll put a couple of links to songs in addition to recommendations. If you want to know more about Amy Kuney, or just listen to all her songs, I'll link her myspace and youtube at the end of the post.

Nicole Paoli: What does art mean to you?

Amy Kuney: Art (to ME personally), is an escape. I had a pretty interesting/chaotic upbringing... I needed a break from life; art was that for me.

NP: Do you have a background in any type of art? (Music, dance, painting, writing, etc.)

AK: Yes! First of all, I've always been very interested in writing...I actually majored in it my first year of college. As far as music...I started playing piano when I was 4 years old, I started guitar when I was about 16 , Singing when I was about 18... Oh! and I also took art classes as a child. My parents did make sure I was constantly exercising my artistic side.

NP: Which medium/mediums do you prefer of those then?

AK: I prefer music and writing :)

NP: How do you think art has evolved to fit today's "modern lifestyle"?

AK: I think at this point, all restrictions are off. Unfortunately, there's really no shock value anymore! There were so many artists back in the day who shocked people, pushed the limits and gave people a reason to talk... today there's not much that surprises anyone. I personally think that's pretty sad, but at the same time.... it's given ever artist complete freedom to do whatever he/she feels w/no fear or restriction (Look at Lady Gaga).

NP: Do you think that making music and traditional art easy to access via internet, phones etc, helped or hindered the art community? Why?

AK: I think it's both hindered and helped the art community. It's helped it in that... it gives talented artists exposure right away! Maybe they can't put their work up in a gallery but they can put it online and even sell it! There are so many blogs, vlogs and sites to buy/sell art and there's a much bigger marketplace because of the internet. I think it's hindered the art community though, in that.. you don't have to be good to put your art on the internet.... a lot of it isn't even art. You have to sift through a lot of crap to get to a gem... for me, it has "cheapened" art a bit.

NP: How has art influenced your life? Do you have family that is involved in music, art, or writing in some way?

AK: Art has hugely influenced my life. It's influenced everything I do! And yes my whole family is involved in music/art one way or another... all of my siblings play instruments, my mother sings and my dad is actually writing a book at the moment. We're a pretty artistic family!

NP: On the reverse side, how has life influenced your art?

AK: As I mentioned earlier, my life has had it's ups and downs- I spent a lot of my childhood in a third world country. It was a pretty rude awakening from the sheltered life I had in the States... my music and writing did a 180... I finally had a reason to do what I loved.. my art gained a personality.

NP: Do you prefer one medium to another, or do you think all mediums are equally good at expressing what the artist is trying to get across?

AK: I prefer music, but I do think all mediums are good outlets.

Angel Tangled in the Telephone Line:

If you're reading this far down, I'd like to give a huge thanks to Amy Kuney for answering my questions! She's the first person who is in the entertainment business to get back to me. Hopefully I'll have the next one up soon, but I'm studying to take my last final. I should have time though, so hopefully it will be up within the next couple weeks. On a side note, I'm looking for jobs, so I may become busier as summer goes on. If anyone wants to take over as an actual cowriter, email me at and we can discuss it.

Peace out for now, and enjoy summer!


Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Death of Art 12

"What's in a name if it's a name you can't remember?
You thought you had it down but then you ran back to the center.
What's in a word if a word has lost it's meaning?
If you say it all the time, a dirty word will get it's cleaning."
What's in the Middle - The Bird and the Bee

What is in a name? A title? I won't get all Romeo & Juliet on you, but today is about genres and titles. 'Cause I feel like it really. 'Cause I've been "labeled" before, and it sucks. "Nerd" "Geek" "Douche" "Prep" you name it, there's a label for it. And it's cruel, to be frank. It's pointless. Yeah, I'm a nerd. Proud of it too. But I'm also a "prep" if you think about it. I'm the "fat kid" the "best friend" the "teacher's pet" 'cause I actually APPRECIATE what they do for us. I'm the "artist" and the "poet" because I enjoy art. But why? Why can't I just be "Nicole" for once? Why does Katie have to be the "choir girl"? Why can't she just be Kit Kat!? Yes, that's my new nickname for her! Why does anyone have to have a label? We're so much more complex then that. Heck, I don't even give music a genre sometimes. Like if it's vocals, I'll say that. But when people ask what genre I like, I just say "Good music." Because why should I label it? To me it's good, and that's it. I like something from everything. Even "bubblegum pop" as hard as that seems :P But seriously, even rap, hard rock, screamo... It doesn't matter. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't. Why can't things be like that. People are harder... I mean, HELLO! We have tried to study humans for YEARS and haven't gotten close to finishing our studies. Hell, I think the brain will be the 'final frontier' long after we explore space. So why do we think we can simplify people into "preppy" "the jock" or "nerdy"? Ah well... that's all for now. I'm kinda tired, so... I'm out for now. Peace!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Death of Art 11

This is gonna be kinda odd, but oh well. It is music related. I was in the car with my cousin the other day and I got to thinking. I think I've decided most people fall into two catagories when it comes to music: melody/harmony or beat/rythm. Someone can be both, more of one then another, or just one. Like... I'm a melody/harmony person with beat/rythm tendencies, and my cousin is a big beat/rythm kinda guy. that's not to say he doesn't like melody/harmony, but he prefers beats. I don't know, maybe that's just me looking at something in an odd way. It kinda works out, but what do you guys think? Anyone notice this, or have anything that disproves it?

"If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." Henry David Thoreau

"... That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." The Declaration of Indepedence

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Death of Art 8 + 9

I take it back... No Interview because I can't find my gosh dang files... Today is a typical Monday... Work was fun though... AND I have a rant for y'all... A fun little topic that my Facebook friends have seen on my status updates! Yes, Censorship! Mainly in books... Because that's my forte. I know a thing about that, trust me. I had a great mom... but she was a dictator when it came to what I could and couldn't read. I mean, I love her and all, but I wasn't even allowed to read Angels and Demons when it came out. I still can't read some books. With books like Wicked I can understand... I mean that's just SO wrong on SO many levels. But some books make no sense. I would bet money that if my mom actually read Brave New World or East of Eden that I'd be banned from reading them again. Actually, that makes me sad... Brave New World is my official all time favorite book, and East of Eden may be a close second. It's a GREAT book so far. I'm almost scared to review them... I mean, they're classics! Back on topic though. I mean, that's just within my own house. I haven't even started on the list of banned & challenged books put together by the ALA... Let's put it this way, I wouldn't have been talking to Nick and Meg about Brave New World or East of Eden at Warped if good ol' CA had gotten their way. They had BOTH of those books challenged... which is a stupid idea. If we can't even READ what we want, how the hell are we supposed to say what we want? Because a bunch of people listen to you if you aren't popular. Yes, that was sarcasm folks. I just think it's silly to ban books! If you don't want to read it, then DON'T! But just because YOU don't want to read Catcher in the Rye doesn't mean no one does! Be considerate... for once. People sometimes forget that others really do matter... Thank God for the people who are still kind. That's most of what I have to say about censorship... I'm all for free speech... so why doesn't it extend to written word?

OH BOOK BURNINGS! I almost forgot... What IDIOT came up with that? (If someone says Hitler I'm gonna scream....) 'Cause that's a great idea! More sarcasm! Sorry for all the sarcasm today folks; I'm in a bad mood. But yes, it's one thing to not like a book, but to destroy books? Of course, there are people who would say "Well, that's a thing of the past! No one burns books now!" And that's where they'd be wrong. I think it was 2002 we had the Lord of the Rings burning... right? 2002... I think. But really guys? You can't find a better way to express your... I don't even know... It can't be hatred, 'cause that would have required reading the book and seeing there's not much to hate about it to begin with... It is dull and long, I'll give you that. I fell asleep reading it my first time! But to actually burn the book? That seems... well, wrong! I mean, there are better words to describe it, but wrong just seems to fit. So that ends the Death of Art rant number 8!

Number 9! Yup I have TWO rants tonight! This one is different though. My other rant is almost a "Well, I'm gonna explain this here thing now" rant more then a "OMG ART" rant. I bring this up because after listening to Hug Me by Meg & Dia last night (Not live... Was SO looking forward to Brightside, but they didn't get to play it.. sad days) I re read Brave New World. Like, picked it up after warped, had Hugh Me Till You Drug Me blasting in my ears and just read. Finished it today again... third time through. I think it's only fitting that I made this blog and called it "The Death of Art" because of how I reacted to certain parts. I almost feel like I'm taking this outta Meg's review... but only 'cause I feel the same way! I mean... I'm LDS... Born and raised, BUT I'm not a... I'm LDS because I'M LDS, not because my mom and dad are, not because my friends are. I'm not a "Black Wedding" kinda person in that I'm not gonna do something if i don't see the point in it. Hell... If any of my friends are reading this, skip this next sentence, but... from like... 4th grade to 6th grade, I was a NIGHTMARE for my teachers, cause I considered myself atheist. I was like "Prove it. Science says this, so prove that" or something else... I was a nightmare... I'm surprised they put up with me! Haha! But anyway, because I was born and raised LDS, I have certain beliefs on certain things... and sex is one of them. And the family... and my goodness, my face when reading Brave New World is priceless. I make disgusted faces... Like, literally! And the sad thing? I was describing the book to my coworker, and I started thinking about it, and she made a comment about something, and I was like "Yeah... like that." Because I realized how... we are SO close guys... It's not even funny how some things are so commonplace now. You see sex everywhere, and my friend was telling me that she knows parents who don't give their kids the whole "don't have sex" thing.. they just kinda tell them to be safe, and to not do what they don't want to... What the hell? I mean, what happened there? And that's only one part of it. We are an impatient society. We expect pleasure now for something we did who knows when. We have our games, our books, our television... I mean, in a way, we have things that desensitize us, and we don't even know it! All we need now is Soma! If someone created something that had the effects of soma and called it something else, I'd seriously have to laugh and I'd never use that name. The sad thing about this is that it sounds so good until you realize how shallow it is... but even then, sometimes humanity just "wants a break." I must say though, this begs the question: A break from what? Humanity? HUMANS want a break from humanity? That's... sad, to be honest. Now, I say it's sad. I'm not saying it's uncommon. Anyone who saw my recent status would see that I actually sat there when I got home and found myself half wishing for even half a soma tablet... Even though I hate everything is stands for, and everything that society stands for. I would be the savage, because I wouldn't be able to function in a world like the one outlined in Brave New World. Or at VERY least, I'd be an Alpha Plus who was send to an island, because heaven knows I'd go nuts listening to people recite what they had heard. What was it? Sixty two thousand two hundred and four repetitions make a truth? Somewhere around there. I want to have that memorized, because in a way it's true. You see it today. I'd like to find one person who can't recite a jingle from TV and the radio. It's in the white noise now, so people don't even realize they are listening to it, but it's there. I don't know... it almost seems surreal, but... at the same time, I feel like we need to step back and figure out what's really important. Is the computer I'm typing this on more important then the coworker I hung with today? Hell no. But some people would have to hesitate before answering that... and that's the sad thing. I have friends online, true... but I'd have to say I'd give up my online friends if my real world friends were in trouble, and vice versa at times. Hell, I've done it. I took a friend to the movies just cause she needed it... even though I was supposed to meet up with a different friend on chat. And you know what? All my #Leverage chat friends understood, and my other friend did too. So there.

So that's pretty much it... I'm going to search for those files... I'm way pissed I lost them. I had them in their own file somewhere, and I must have moved it when I was moving picture files for Warped last night... dang. Warped was way fun, and I was surprised... I can honestly say I didn't expect Meg or Nick to be as nice as they were, and I'm giving a huge shout out to Jordan, Meg, Nick, and Dia! I hope I spelled your name right Jordan! HAND HUG :D Nick, thank you SO much for the drum sticks! They are awesome! Meg, thanks for putting up with the book talk... I get over excited about reading sometimes! Meg & Dia, thank you SO much for signing my book, and for the poster! My friend flipped out when she heard :) And Dia, thank you for helping me out with the whole "can I post it" thing! Even though y'all will probably never read this, if you guys want to see the stories I wrote using Here, here, and here as inspiration, feel free to either send me an email or a comment or something! To everyone else, yes I know I sound like a nerd... But hey, can I help it? I AM a nerd/geek/totallyawesomeperson! You know it! (For those of you who don't know me... yes this is my way of joking around... It'll probably become easier to tell as I joke around more often...)

Peace for now! Keep it safe ok? No hospital visits! Hand Hug for all, and a snowman for Jordan :)

Nicole Paoli

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A quick note....

I DO have something ready for y'all, it's just not TOTALLY ready.... and I apologize for that. We literally JUST got my cousin moved into the house, and we've been running around all week to get stuff moved, and painted, and moved back, and vaccumed... It's been a mad house down here! But anyway, Warped is tomorrow. Don't expect a blog post 'cause I'll be there as long as I can. I WILL update twice next week to make up for it though! Promise! Expect one post on Monday or Tuesday, with another one following on Friday... maybe Thursday if I'm lucky. I apologize for that, and I really should have planned this better, but I am working on it! I'm not gonna just bail, don't worry!

On a side note, school starts up soon. That shouldn't be a huge issue, but I may only post once every other week instead of the once a week I was aiming for. If all goes well I'll have some new stuff up every week. Not just the interviews, but more... "rants" as well. That's really all that's been going on, so yeah!

Peace out! And have a good last few days of summer!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shall I? I shall!

Ok, so I have some interviews ready for reading! Well, almost. I need to edit and get them pretty first. So while you guys are waiting, I thought I'd start this off! First, I'd like to thank everyone. Seriously. Everyone I meet has something to do with how I am, so I'd like to thank them all! Mainly two of my English teachers, Mrs. Ellis, and Ms. Brunasso, as well as my middle school band teacher, Mister Thompson. There are more, but it's a long list. These three teachers helped me the most, partly because they were the teachers that didn't take the crap. Ms. B was strict, no doubt about it, but she helped me become a better writer. And because of that, I was able to grow! Mrs. Ellis helped me find a love of creative writing, both in the form of prose and poetry. Without her, I wouldn't have started writing. And Mr. T was my band teacher, and the best one I had. He actually let me mess with the drums, which was something that no one was allowed to do unless they were in percussion. I played drums outside of school, and he knew that, thank goodness. I can honestly say that if he hadn't let me try out the percussion instruments that I wouldn't have been ready for anything that my band did during out acoustic sets! So I owe him that one! And the thing that all three of these teachers did, the one thing they had in common? They all taught me to try new things, to reach out of my comfort zone, and THAT is why I'm writing this post to you today! And I love it! So on to the questions! This is just a template I was using for interviews. Hey, if the people I'm asking them to have to suffer through them, why not me too?

1) What does art mean to you?
Art to me is something that lets the artist express themselves without having to worry about being criticized. It's what free speech should be, because it lets someone express what they may not be able to find words for. It should not only express the emotion of the artist, but it should be able to understood by someone watching, listening, or studying it. This could be why so much of today's "pop culture" is popular. It's easy to understand.

2) Do you have a background in any type of art, such as music, dance, painting, etc.?
I am a musician first and foremost. I play the drums, the flute, the piano, and I dabble in bass guitar as well as other instruments. I also like to write. I write poetry, fan fiction, just about anything! I've even tried writing a script. I wish I could paint, but my hand shakes too much.

3) What medium/mediums do you prefer? (Music, canvas, paper, typed word, etc.)
I personally enjoy music the most. It's the medium I feel the most comfortable in.

4) How do you think art has evolved to fit today's "modern lifestyle"?
I think it's become over simplified. I've said it before on this blog, and I will say it again: We don't need the messaged spoon fed to us! I like having it layered with a soothing guitar part, puzzling lyrics, and a fast double bass drum. I like seeing it smothered in blue paint, red paint, green lines. I like old styles, but I like being able to ask myself "Well, did he want the message to be this?" I don't like today's pop culture, nor am I the biggest fan of "modern art" unless it is in sculpture. There I feel like it plays out very well.

5a) Do you think that making music and traditional art easy to access helped or hindered the art community? Why?
It's had it's ups and downs. On the plus side, it allows everyone to access the finest paintings in the world, it lets everyone listen to the classical music of Mozart and Chopin, and lets everyone read the works of literature that make reading worth it. But at the same time, for every song downloaded legally, someone's downloading one illegally. I know I always get the cd's of artists I like, but most people get one song for 99 cents. Most people skip over songs, numbly going from one thing to the next. I'm big on making sure the artist actually gets something for the hard work they put into an album, a painting, a sculpture.

5b) What about bands and artists that allow their work to be downloaded for free, such as Nine Inch Nails? What is your opinion on this?
I think it's great! If they want to, I say go for it! I also think that fans should remember that they are doing it for free, and shouldn't... complain I guess. I hear a lot of people complain about something being "not good enough" or "not up to standard" and I must say, it's disappointing. I'd go out of my way to donate more then I normally would if I knew that the band was doing it for free, or was doing something more for the fans.

6) How has art influenced your life? Do you have family that is involved in music, art, or writing in some way?
My aunt sings gospel, and my cousin plays the drums. My mom put me in piano at a young age, and my little sister plays piano a bit too. She also sings in the school choir. Although I didn't know this until recently, my dad also used to manage bands, and actually KNOWS the drummer of Velvet Revolver! He can play guitar and drums if he tried, but he tends to focus more on photography, which has rubbed off on the whole family as well. I don't know if it's a religion thing or what (most LDS kids start on piano...) but I know that starting on piano helped me get far in music, even if I am better on drums then I ever was on piano or flute. So I guess having my cousin and aunt involved in music influenced me to give it a try.

7) Do you prefer one medium to another, or are all mediums equally good at expressing what the artist is trying to get across?
I think all mediums are good at expressing the emotions of an artist. It just depends on the artist and their style. A writer isn't going to be able to pick up a paint brush and get his message across, just like a painter won't be able to pick up a flute and just start playing. If the artist is in his or her element, however, the emotion will get across.

Well, that's all for now! I have a few interviews coming up for everyone, and a VERY special guest in the works! Hopefully I get some more guests within the next month! I have a couple musicians and a painter lined up to give their opinions, so hopefully things work out!

Nicole Paoli

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A New Idea

Well, Warped Tour is coming up, and I have an... idea. I am going backstage, which will help. I'm going to *TRY* to get some musicians there to help me out with this. I'm going to "interview" a bunch of people, friends of mine, teenagers, random people at the mall even! maybe... But I'm going to get a variety of people to tell me their thoughts on Art, and I'm going to blog about them. I want to see if some of my favorite artists will do that at Warped, and the backstage pass will help a LOT! I am also going to try to enlist the help of an artist I met last year. He's a great guy, his art is amazing! His name is Dan May, and he has a show coming up! Hopefully I'll get to ask him some questions while he's down! If not, I can try to contact via facebook or something. So, my question is this... If I have any readers, what do y'all think? I mean, it's not... It's probably not the best idea, but it's one that I want to follow through with! When I get enough people, I'm going to compare. Teenagers against Adults, Musicians against Painter(s), maybe even as far as friends against pros! But it's still in the works. I don't know how I'm going to pull it off... Ideas? I'm thinking a tape recorder and some paper... But that may not work. Video? It all depends. I'm off to bed for now! More on Art and it's Death later! ;)

Ciao for now!
