Monday, June 21, 2010

It's back!

Yes, the project I started last year is up and running. It's slow goings, mainly because I lost most of my files, but I found a couple. Over the next couple weeks I'll try to post the one or two I found and a new one! We shall start with the newest.

An introduction! Anyone who knows me will know that I go through what I call "music phases" and that few artists make it through more then 1 or 2. One of those artists is Amy Kuney, a singer/songwriter who has some amazing music! She moved from Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweeping down the plain) to Honduras at age 13. She's currently living in Southern California, if I'm not mistaken. Although I have yet to actually see her play live, I have had the fortune of stumbling across her on Youtube, where I first found the song Angel Tangled in the Telephone Line. Since then she's uploaded more songs from her first album in addition to parody videos and covers. I was lucky enough to reach her through her Youtube first, then through email, and she agreed to answer my questions. At the end, I'll put a couple of links to songs in addition to recommendations. If you want to know more about Amy Kuney, or just listen to all her songs, I'll link her myspace and youtube at the end of the post.

Nicole Paoli: What does art mean to you?

Amy Kuney: Art (to ME personally), is an escape. I had a pretty interesting/chaotic upbringing... I needed a break from life; art was that for me.

NP: Do you have a background in any type of art? (Music, dance, painting, writing, etc.)

AK: Yes! First of all, I've always been very interested in writing...I actually majored in it my first year of college. As far as music...I started playing piano when I was 4 years old, I started guitar when I was about 16 , Singing when I was about 18... Oh! and I also took art classes as a child. My parents did make sure I was constantly exercising my artistic side.

NP: Which medium/mediums do you prefer of those then?

AK: I prefer music and writing :)

NP: How do you think art has evolved to fit today's "modern lifestyle"?

AK: I think at this point, all restrictions are off. Unfortunately, there's really no shock value anymore! There were so many artists back in the day who shocked people, pushed the limits and gave people a reason to talk... today there's not much that surprises anyone. I personally think that's pretty sad, but at the same time.... it's given ever artist complete freedom to do whatever he/she feels w/no fear or restriction (Look at Lady Gaga).

NP: Do you think that making music and traditional art easy to access via internet, phones etc, helped or hindered the art community? Why?

AK: I think it's both hindered and helped the art community. It's helped it in that... it gives talented artists exposure right away! Maybe they can't put their work up in a gallery but they can put it online and even sell it! There are so many blogs, vlogs and sites to buy/sell art and there's a much bigger marketplace because of the internet. I think it's hindered the art community though, in that.. you don't have to be good to put your art on the internet.... a lot of it isn't even art. You have to sift through a lot of crap to get to a gem... for me, it has "cheapened" art a bit.

NP: How has art influenced your life? Do you have family that is involved in music, art, or writing in some way?

AK: Art has hugely influenced my life. It's influenced everything I do! And yes my whole family is involved in music/art one way or another... all of my siblings play instruments, my mother sings and my dad is actually writing a book at the moment. We're a pretty artistic family!

NP: On the reverse side, how has life influenced your art?

AK: As I mentioned earlier, my life has had it's ups and downs- I spent a lot of my childhood in a third world country. It was a pretty rude awakening from the sheltered life I had in the States... my music and writing did a 180... I finally had a reason to do what I loved.. my art gained a personality.

NP: Do you prefer one medium to another, or do you think all mediums are equally good at expressing what the artist is trying to get across?

AK: I prefer music, but I do think all mediums are good outlets.

Angel Tangled in the Telephone Line:

If you're reading this far down, I'd like to give a huge thanks to Amy Kuney for answering my questions! She's the first person who is in the entertainment business to get back to me. Hopefully I'll have the next one up soon, but I'm studying to take my last final. I should have time though, so hopefully it will be up within the next couple weeks. On a side note, I'm looking for jobs, so I may become busier as summer goes on. If anyone wants to take over as an actual cowriter, email me at and we can discuss it.

Peace out for now, and enjoy summer!
