Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Death of Art 12

"What's in a name if it's a name you can't remember?
You thought you had it down but then you ran back to the center.
What's in a word if a word has lost it's meaning?
If you say it all the time, a dirty word will get it's cleaning."
What's in the Middle - The Bird and the Bee

What is in a name? A title? I won't get all Romeo & Juliet on you, but today is about genres and titles. 'Cause I feel like it really. 'Cause I've been "labeled" before, and it sucks. "Nerd" "Geek" "Douche" "Prep" you name it, there's a label for it. And it's cruel, to be frank. It's pointless. Yeah, I'm a nerd. Proud of it too. But I'm also a "prep" if you think about it. I'm the "fat kid" the "best friend" the "teacher's pet" 'cause I actually APPRECIATE what they do for us. I'm the "artist" and the "poet" because I enjoy art. But why? Why can't I just be "Nicole" for once? Why does Katie have to be the "choir girl"? Why can't she just be Kit Kat!? Yes, that's my new nickname for her! Why does anyone have to have a label? We're so much more complex then that. Heck, I don't even give music a genre sometimes. Like if it's vocals, I'll say that. But when people ask what genre I like, I just say "Good music." Because why should I label it? To me it's good, and that's it. I like something from everything. Even "bubblegum pop" as hard as that seems :P But seriously, even rap, hard rock, screamo... It doesn't matter. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't. Why can't things be like that. People are harder... I mean, HELLO! We have tried to study humans for YEARS and haven't gotten close to finishing our studies. Hell, I think the brain will be the 'final frontier' long after we explore space. So why do we think we can simplify people into "preppy" "the jock" or "nerdy"? Ah well... that's all for now. I'm kinda tired, so... I'm out for now. Peace!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Death of Art 11

This is gonna be kinda odd, but oh well. It is music related. I was in the car with my cousin the other day and I got to thinking. I think I've decided most people fall into two catagories when it comes to music: melody/harmony or beat/rythm. Someone can be both, more of one then another, or just one. Like... I'm a melody/harmony person with beat/rythm tendencies, and my cousin is a big beat/rythm kinda guy. that's not to say he doesn't like melody/harmony, but he prefers beats. I don't know, maybe that's just me looking at something in an odd way. It kinda works out, but what do you guys think? Anyone notice this, or have anything that disproves it?

"If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." Henry David Thoreau

"... That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." The Declaration of Indepedence