Friday, June 5, 2009

The Death of Art 7

"Thick with the cloud of threatened sleep, Katherine thought vaguely, do I dream… She rolled over; her nostrils filled with her own scent.  She breathed it in, wincing at the stark realization it presented.  No.  I don’t dream.  I don’t wish, even, any more.  I don’t hope, I haven’t prayed in years, and I swear the only beans I’ve bought are in my pillows at home.  I don’t even like beans.  Do I pretend… She could smell the addiction to work and to the gnarled sense of self she procured from routine in the dead cloth of her car seat. Do I pretend, ha!  With that her brow furrowed, hurt by the frank stab of her subconscious.  And it furrowed more, with the all too honest awareness that the only option left was one she fit into quite nicely, a hand into a glove.  I lie.
She lay, thoughtful.  Everybody lied, though.  Everybody cheated, and yelled, and scorned, and hated, and blamed.  It wasn’t that people were bad, just that they were people.  And that was OK; she was OK." -      -- by justplainweird (DeviantArt)

Today's topic is writing. Because people can't write. Well, some people can. Take the above example. I picked it because it uses both the style of the author as well as a quote from Shel Silverstein. It's a very well written piece, I'd recommend reading it. But that's beside the point. The point is writing. People are stuck in a cycle. Read something, try to write, write something similar to something else, rinse, repeat. I've done it, pros have done it. It's a common thing, honestly. I'd be lying if I said everything I wrote was unique and "perfect," because it's not. I try to be unique, but eh.

To be frank, there really isn't a lot to say about writing, I just wanted to make that first point clear. Try new things, Experiment!!! Be scientists with literature! Who says the scientific method is restricted to biology, chemistry, physics? All it really takes is a guess and a try! Well, and an idea. It's what all the best things are made of. Song writing, story writing, poetry, it's all the same in that sense. Don't rhyme in a poem except for every third line, alternating. (1 and 4, 2 and 5, 3 and 6, etc. It may turn out quite neat! I'll let someone else try it ;P)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Death of Art 6 - The Return

To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.

Yup, another music blog. It's because I play, sorry guys! Facebook people, I have a blog you know... I'll link it at the bottom, but I kinda wanna only update on the blog, not on the facebook notes... Post a comment if you want it one way or the other. Like if you want to be blog exclusive. (And I will have blog exclusive posts just FYI) Onto the main thing.

One-hit wonders. Don't understand it, don't like it, eh it's not that great. This is another reason I kinda don't like itunes. I usually buy a whole album. Why? Because even if I only want one song, I'll listen to the rest. And you never know! If I had only bought "Angel Tangled in the Telephone Line" by Amy Kuney, I'd never have seen "Rocket Surgery," "Love is Trippy," or "Simple Things" on the SAME album! And all of those are great songs! As well as the poetic "Bird's Eye View Intro," which is amazing! (New fav... besides Meg & Dia, Blue Man Group, and Daft Punk. She's a different Genre, so these artist all represent favorites in different genres/sub genres. Duh ;P) Now, I know that people are like "ButI don't like ALL the songs." So what? When you buy physical cds, you can't pick one or two songs to get. Sure you can only download certain songs, but you still have the others right there. I personally think Mix CDs are the start of "one hit wonders" because people would put their favorite, so their friends only had one song. Hence One hit. I can see getting only a single, because, hey, it's only one song to begin with! But really, how many physical cds have only one song? Singles started for radio play. I think... 'Cause you don't hear a whole album on the radio! So an artist would pick their "best" song off the album and send it to the radio stations. Since they normally play what's popular, if it's requested often, they'll play it. It's not that hard to understand... But I still think it's worth it to get a whole cd. (Yes, I'm kinda hypocritical. Recently I've been getting only one song. I don't have the money to get the whole cd now =/ maybe after I work a couple weeks... and the stupid price raise made me go over 100 $ because they raised most of the songs I had to the new $1.29 price >.< Darn it!)

And I'm gonna put this out there, I honestly don't mind "album only songs." If I don't like the rest of the album, I listen to it on youtube. It's not that bad, to tell the truth. What pisses me off is the sudden "album only" status of MOST of the songs in my shopping cart on itunes! Like I bought most/all of the album, but the one song I REALLY wanted turns AO, so I have to delete and re buy the album! Bull Apple!! Not cool!

And as a side note, June...6th? 7th? I think 7th... yeah 7th. Playing at the Tustin Chili Cookoff! Come out and see us guys!!!! And enjoy the cookoff! :D It'll be fun, it's Sunday afternoon. I think we are up at 1:00!!!! Come see us!!! Fer serious :P

Nicole, signing out!